Mississauga, Ontario.
Open House “Celebration”
Celebrating the union of the King’s Masting and Brookmede community, all the students, parents and staff created a large abstract work embracing the new era of the school.
“Posy and Rosy”, Inspired by the work of Viviane Case-Fox, 2 masonite panels 4’x5’
Grade 1
“Lights in the City”, canvas 4’x5’ (displayed at the Principal’s office)
Grades 4 & 5
“Together” (Grade 5), 4’x5’, acrylic on canvas
Since “Apples” became a symbol for teachers and education, the children painted 2 apples as a way to represent the 2 schools together in a new venture.
The painting is proudly displayed at the entrance of Brookmede’s office to welcome visitors.
“Starry Night” (Grade 5) and “Sunflowers” (Grade 4): A study of Vincent Van Gogh 4’x5’, acrylic on masonite panel
After being introduced to his life and work by their teacher, the children experimented under my guidance with colour mixing and “impasto” as a new technique to create the visual effects of their own “Starry Night” and “Sunflowers”.
“Beyond Boundaries” (Grade 4), 8’x8’, acrylic on canvas
The objective of this project was to make the children play with composition, while introducing all the elements and principals of design.
Working with 4 view finders, the students choose 4 different areas from the work of the contemporary German artist Gerhard Richter. Inspired by those selected areas, the children worked in teams on each canvas. Using different tools such as brushes, palette knives and spreaders, they learned how to develop an abstract work in layers exploring visual effects.
The challenge that they faced in problem resolution was to recompose the whole by linking the 4 canvases in the most effective visual way.
Kindergarten to Grade 5
“21st Century Learning: Creativity, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Communication”
“Creativity”: 4’x4’, acrylic on masonite panel.
After discussing some abstract works, the children created a composition playing with the power of colour and organic shapes.
“Collaboration”: 4’x4’, acrylics & mixed media on masonite panel
The children were exposed to a variety of painting tools, gels and pastes to create geometrical shapes of different sizes, playing with the dynamic interaction between warm and cool colours.
“Critical Thinking”: 4’x4’, acrylic & mixed media on masonite panel
The objective of this panel was to represent the development of our country from the old times to the present days. Working with all sorts of textural materials, the children worked on layers giving a symbolic meaning to each of them. The very first layer represented the times when the first nations and the pioneers left their mark, leading to the top one, finding all of us in this multicultural times, represented by circles with different skin colours. The children chose circles because they have no edges; we Canadians are peace makers and we embrace everyone. We can see portions of each layer to remember our Canadian roots.
“Communication”: 4’x4’, acrylic & mixed media on masonite panel
The children decided to represent all the different ways of communication they see on a daily basis. For that reason, they built an imaginary urban design creating a collage with a variety of papers with all sort of visual and graphic signs, including the use of fonts as an important means of communication.